Background to funding source and payees
An external funding source (e.g. direct debit to pull money) and payees (e.g. external bank account to pay money to) can be assigned to a wallet.
These first need to be created and the Customate platform validates these details to ensure funds can be pulled from the funding source and paid to a wallet or funds can be pushed from the wallet to a Payee. Therefore it is important that these details are correct and validated.
Below are tables of test data and associated errors, that can be used to simulate various problems during Direct Debit funding source or payees creation.
IBAN errors
IBANs | Error code | Error message |
CTSBSAPY40000131000001 | iban_incorrect_structure | IBAN’s structure is not correct. |
CTSBSAPY40000131000002 | iban_incorrect_account_number_check_digit | Account Number’s check digit is not correct. |
CTSBSAPY40000131000003 | iban_not_allowed | Specified country does not support IBAN standard. Please, contact the support team. |
CTSBSAPY40000131000004 | iban_incorrect_check_digit | IBAN’s check digit is not correct. |
Value that contain less than 18 or more than 34 characters | iban_incorrect_length | IBAN’s length is not correct. |
Value that contain not letters or numbers | iban_illegal_characters | IBAN contains illegal characters. |
GBP bank account errors
Sort code | Account number | Error code | Error message |
400001 | 31001001 | iban_incorrect_account_number_check_digit | Account Number’s check digit is not correct. |
400001 | 31001002 | iban_invalid_account_number | Account Number is invalid. |
400001 | 31001003 | iban_bank_not_found | Bank not found. |
400001 | 31001004 | iban_invalid_sort_code | Sort Code is invalid. |
400001 | 31001005 | iban_incorrect_account_number_length | Account Number’s length is not correct. |
Any other provided values for IBAN or sort code & account number will be treated as correct.
Other errors
Note that itβs not all possible errors that could occur in Api’s live mode, check the section in the knowledge base on error code groups for more details.
Suppose the client sends 400001 as the sort code and 31001001 as the account number, here is an example of response with error during Direct Debit funding source creation:
{ "errors": [ { "message": "Account number checksum is invalid.", "code": "invalid_account_checksum" } ] }