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6. Headers in the string to generate webhook tokens.

Our API generates a signed request header using the webhook URL, POST, key, secret and the webhook data:

http_method = "POST"
headers = generate_signed_request_headers(url, http_method, credential.key, credential.secret, data)


generate_signed_request_headers() includes the method (POST), webhook URL, the current date, a generated UUID, a content hash (using SHA1 encoded to UTF-8) and the content type (application/json) to build an access token:

paymentservice_contenthash = calculate_content_hash(json.dumps(data).encode(‘utf-8’))

original_access_token_string = build_access_token_context(


build_access_token_context() builds a token string by appending the method path, content type, content hash, date and nonce.

access_token_string = f"{http_method}\n"
access_token_string += f"{http_path}\n"
access_token_string += f"{content_type}\n"
access_token_string += f"paymentservice-contenthash:{paymentservice_contenthash}\n"
access_token_string += f"paymentservice-date:{paymentservice_date}\n"
access_token_string += f"paymentservice-nonce:{paymentservice_nonce}"

return access_token_string


This access_token_string, encoded to UTF-8, along with secret, is used to calculate the access token.

access_token = calculate_signature_hash(secret, original_access_token_string.encode("utf-8"))

calculate_signature_hash(key: str, message: bytes)
  access_token = calculate_signature_hash(secret, original_access_token_string.encode("utf-8"))


The key is encoded to UTF-8, the message is hashed and it’s encoded to base 64:

hmac_hash ="utf-8"), message, hashlib.sha256)
signature = base64.b64encode(hmac_hash.digest())
return signature.decode("utf-8")


The authorization header is the key and access token:

message = f"Signature {key}:{access_token}"