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E. End Points – payments in

Payment types and scenarios

Getting payment data shows the scenario (which is also shown in webhooks). The list of payment types and their scenario(s):   Money in Direct debit to wallet - IncomingDirectDebit, DirectDebitToInternal. Open banking to wallet - OpenBankingToWallet. Bank to...

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3. Payments into a wallet – open banking

Introduction Open banking enables your customers to send funds from their bank account to their Customate wallet. You will receive a URI to redirect your user to - this will be the URI of the bank. Once they have made the payment, they will be redirected to a URL of...

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Processing time and statuses

Background The tables below describe the timings and the different transaction statuses for the most common type of scenarios.   Money into a wallet Scenario Timings to credit the Customate wallet Possible different statuses Open banking transfer to Wallet The...

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2. Payments into a wallet – bank transfer

Introduction A user may transfer funds from their bank account to their wallet (each wallet has an IBAN). There's no endpoint for this as it's initiated by the user and not by Customate. However, Customate can send a webhook to advise of incoming funds into a wallet....

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4. Payments into a wallet – direct debit

Introduction This endpoint enables a one-off payment from the customer's bank to their Customate wallet using direct debit. All payments within Customate have a source (funding source) and a destination (payee). Funding sources and payees have a type. When a profile...

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